Warm weather and your natural products:
At Amani & Co. we are committed in keeping our products as natural and free of harmful synthetic chemicals as possible. We do not use synthetic stabilizers or other products to keep our butters solid. As a result, our natural shea butter products are sensitive to temperature changes. Unfortunately, melting is a natural reaction to heat, and we have no control over the conditions during transit or delivery. We cannot guarantee that your butter will not melt during transit. However, we can assure you that the quality will remain the same if melting occurs. We provide care instructions in each package to help with educating all our customers. Do not worry we have you covered with some great tips!
On warm days we recommend immediately putting your butter in a cool place or refrigerator for a short period of time *1-2hrs*upon receiving your butter. Estimated time may vary due to the temperature of the cooling space. We suggest refrigerating BEFORE opening the jars to avoid spillage. If you open your jar, carefully check to see if melting has occurred and proceed with putting the jar in a cool area to solidify. As previously advised, please be careful to avoid making a mess! The quality and healing properties of our products are not affected by melting.
Why does my jar look half full?
Whipping adds tiny air bubbles (just like whipping cream) that increase the size, lightens the density and changes the texture, making the butter light and fluffy. If a whipped butter melts the air bubbles have collapsed, so the volume is decreased. So, although the jar was filled to the top, if the butter melts, there will be less volume in the container. The container may look half full.
If melting occurs, place the butter in the refrigerator or cool place. The melting will not affect the quality of the whipped butter, but the whipped consistency will change. It will become more like a body balm or like a butter state.
Amani’s preventive measures:
During the warmer seasons, we do our best to protect our products from melting in transit, without an added extra cost.
- We check every product before it is packed for shipping
- We personally drop off all packages to the local carrier to prevent added stressors related to melting
- We wrap our delicate products in bubble wrap, shipping paper, or extra padding to add another layer of insulation
As a result, most products shipped in warm weather arrive without melting. However, please understand, we cannot control melting. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us via email for further assistance.
Disclaimer: The statements and products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.